Jakku Salvage Crawler (Littlebits Star Wars Vehicle)

49 (likes)
4337 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

Sized for the current Hasbro 3.75" Star Wars action figures, this motorized vehicle assembles (and disassembles) with modular, magnetized parts and features a casing for LittleBits parts that make it run! Built out of parts salvaged from defeated Rebel Alliance ships, scavengers on Jakku use vehicles such as this to collect scrap and defend their claim from rival scrappers. This unofficial toy is an original design made in homage to the release of The Force Awakens and our entry into the LittleBits Bit-Wars challenge.The model was designed in TinkerCAD where you can find and hack it. If you make variants or more modular pieces, we want to see pics! This was a joint-project with my IGG co-founder, Jeremy Larsen. We've set up a Patreon page for anyone who's interested to help fund us so we can keep making free and open sourced games like Pocket-Tactics, Wayfarer Tactics. and others, not to mention the growing catalog of toys and gaming miniatures that you can use for whatever you want! (Psst... we take requests and commissions...) Enjoy! https://youtu.be/Np0HpW5MxdQ

About the author:
Freelance designer and co-founder of Ill Gotten Games.


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