IX-101 Tigerray Interceptor

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499 (views)
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The original Tigerrays were a intended as a high speed law enforcement scout craft tasked with finding and scanning lawbreakers before they could completely evade detection.  The first models were armed with a pair of light repeaters and nothing else, saving all other weight for speed and excellent protection for a craft  of this small size.  The initial versions were popular with law enforcement and over a hundred were in service in the outer rim when then mercenary incursions began. deMartin Engineering took an example of the overpowered little scoutship and added two of the largest cannons they could power into the spaceframe - well, as much as would fit.  This wartime variant saw the pilot sitting on top of two very respectable cannons, extremely high speed, and very good shields for a ship of her size.  The resulting interceptor was in high demand even though their hand-made power systems required significant maintenance and tuning between actions.



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