Unreleased Miscast Miniatures: Hesher

61 (likes)
1747 (views)
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Hesher is an unreleased miniature for my Miscast Miniatures line. Variations of it was briefly made into metal as a limited release but few exist as they were too difficult to cast. Now the original sculpt will dominiate the digital world. Includes a pre-supported version (I did the pre-supports but I'm not an expert so perhaps you might do a better job.) Preview pic model was printed on a Elegoo Saturn 3 12k. Sculpted by Tine Fieldling https://www.myminifactory.com/users/Tine%20Fieldling https://www.instagram.com/tine_fieldling/ Concept by Miscast

About the author:
Hey! It's Trent from Miscast (YouTube.com/Miscast


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