Shroomlet Mushroom

5 (likes)
513 (views)
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These models were made available thanks to our supporters over on patreon! If you to would like to support us considering following this link! Shroomlets are curious beings you may think this guy to be pretty old but he's actually pretty young for his species. They have a volatile nature normally, shroomlets are either little balls of anger or they are ecstatic radiances of joy but never are they mellow and calm their small frames easily get overwhelmed with one emotion at a time. This emotion is pretty hard to switch but they have been known to phase from happy to angry and vis versa. Shroomlets can find a home relatively easily to they get on with most nature and animals but they can quite easily adapt to a standard village setting, although their emotional states tend to make it hard for them to settle in.Despite there heads being made of mushroom they are actually very intelligent some of which have been known to be great wizards, but if a shroomlet finds itself on the angry side for to long they may find themselves acting more roguish in nature.

About the author:
We are an engineer and 3D designer who love TTRPGs and during the pandemic got pretty big into designing and printing models. We love creating new things and bringing those things into the real world!


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