OpenForge Miniature Bases: Cobble (Oval)

85 (likes)
9961 (views)
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I've decided to try an experiment. I realized that many of the textures used for my floors would make fantastic bases for miniatures. I decided to create this set to see if there was interest in having textured bases. In the past, I've used the excellent products from Micro Art Studio. They have many beautiful bases, each with a ton of variations at the same size, while also offering the same base styles in many different sizes. This helps make a warband or even a set of minis for RPG have a nice sense of variety while still tying them together thematically. I've looked for bases on thingiverse, and what I found is that there are many great bases, but for the most part they have few or no variants at the same size, or few or no size variants. With this broader set, I've created over 200 variants, across over 3 different sizes. I've covered every game I have even passing familiarity with in the broader set, such as D&D, Warhammer 40k, Age of Sigmar, Pathfinder, Malifaux, Infinity, Guildball and Warmachine/Hordes. If there's a base variant under 100mm used by a game that isn't available in these sets, please let me know so I can add it, but also add it to all future miniature base releases. When printing, you want to make the base look the best possible for the miniature you are putting on it that you almost certainly put tons of hard work into. For that reason, on any FDM printer (a printer that uses plastic filament), I strongly recommend that you print the upright versions of the bases, as the detail on the z axis is so much greater then the detail on the x/y axes. If you are using a resin printer, you can print the horizontal versions and get a great result. When printing the upright bases, you will have to glue them, and probably do a little work with a putty do deal with the seam. For instructions on how to get started with OpenForge, take a look at our tutorials. OpenForge is now a patron supported project. I use the resources that my patrons give me in order to get the resources to let me create more sophisticated tiles with a greater level of detail. Please, support me, and I’ll deliver an ongoing stream of awesome gaming terrain. You can find more about OpenForge and Masterwork Tools at our: Online catalog and backer site Website Forums (Mostly we use facebook now) Twitter Facebook



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