Garryth 2 proxy

9 (likes)
2429 (views)
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This is my proxy for Garryth 2 for the tabletop wargame Warmachine.I used the Battle Mage, Rayvn, and Strakov models I pulled from the Warmachine Tactics game. I used Rahn from this Tabletop Simulator mode on Steam: also used 3 guns from this Source Filmmaker pack on steam: posed the Battle Mage body and the guns in Blender. Then I took those into Meshmixer with the other models and copied and modified what I wanted until I thought it passed as the real model. Notably, I took Rahn's chest armor, Ravyn's back vents, shoulder armor and skirt thing, and Strakov's head, omitting the goggles. I used the Battle Mage as the base. The gun is kinda weird because I initially just used the Polaris Lance for the gun, but when I printed it the first time, it didn't come out very good, as well as the proportions of the whole model being off. Unfortunately, at that point, I couldn't easily take out the gun, so I ended up just putting the replacement right on top of it, so some parts are still visible. The replacement is a combination of 1000 Voices and Whisper of the Worm, just sitting on top of each other with the triggers lined up. I put it on one of the 30mm bases I made in Inventor. It has little nubs to indicate the facing. I originally posted this on Thingiverse, but I'm done with that site cause it's so slow, so I'm moving everything I had on there to here.



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