E-11 Blaster Remix

4 (likes)
1041 (views)
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This is my exhaustive remix of the E-11 by Blaster-Master. The original model is fantastic, though while printing I was having some issue with the pre-supported files. I'm sure this is mostly because of the advances in tech regarding the ability of 3D printers since the project was first created. Secondly, I wanted to print the high detail parts on my resin printer, so much of the built in raft needed to go to get the proper orientation of the parts. That being said, I have done my best to remove these unneecessary bits. I also changed/added a few of my own tweaks. The original bolt is still in the parts, but I ran a hole through it to match that of the barrel sections. This is to add a threaded rod, or steel rod to run the length of the blaster if need be. I had a hard time finding a spring, and for a static model did not need much. So I mocked one up quickly in Fusion. The spring for the stock I found at my local hardware store, but was too short. So the part ZStockBuffer was the answer to this. This part can be scaled on the Z axis if you need to do so. I have also broken the build plates down into their own individual parts for several reasons; 1.) I feel most people can arrange their build plates themselves. 2.) Parts may need re-printed, and personally I do not want to have to print the entire platter again to get a single part. 3.) While I appreciate the support and raft, with better orientation of pieces it can be avoided for better over-all quality. 4.) Possibly the most important reason, was so that each file name matches that of the PDF build file from the original project. A few parts have exceptions to this, such as the barrel sections where the built in brim is NEEDED for aligning the parts together. So I have left them largely untouched aside from trying to fix the odd cut angle for the trigger group into the rear barrel section. I also did not change the Magazine Well files due to the nature of how they need to be sanded to fit to the barrel section. (If this is something that you feel you need to have the pre-support and raft remove, just message me!) I have uploaded the files in the orientation which I printed the files at. This worked best for me, but may not be the same for machine so please do not take it as perfect.   Lastly, the PDF file is the closest I have been able to find. There are some odd parts since it is the build to Blaster-Masters prototype build. But going to his YouTube and following the instructions it will work for this build. Any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. This is the first project of this magnitude I have uploaded, even if it is only a remix. I will do my best to help!

About the author:
Hey, I'm new to 3D printing, but have been doing prop design for years. Up until now I have built everything from either scratch or through Pepakura and figured with all the time and money I spent building objects in that fashion a 3D printer would be a wise investment. Once I finish a few projects I will add them to my profile but do not hesitate to message me. May be slow to respond during working hours, I do have a regular job to keep up with. :) I was using a DaVinci Jr. 1.0 to get my feet wet, but now have a Robo 3D R1+.


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