Federation Lynx class Corvette

21 (likes)
1240 (views)
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While the Coyote frigate is built for firepower and armor the Lynx class Corvette is made for speed. With powerful engines and an forward facing armament it is well suited to flanking maneuvers and high speed interceptions whether they be criminal or a retreating foe.   The Lynx is based off of the Dindrenzi from Firestorm Armada, it is modelled to be in the same scale 1/10,000 at 100% to better fit in with your pre existing fleet. There are two files included one with holes to easily allow for wire antennas, the other is without the holes. 

About the author:
A Hobbyist 3d printer and modeler blundering along with blender to create the sci-fi vehicles and in particular giant spaceships he loves!


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