Wolf for Tabletop Games

99 (likes)
6205 (views)
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Here is just a basic wolf I modified so its tabletop friendly. This was originally modeled by CudaEngineering and after running it through Cura it looks like a solid print. I don't need wolves as I have some old minis already, but I figured I'd post this in case anyone out there needed it :-) Want to access even more models not found here in Thingiverse? Interested in supporting my efforts making free models for the world to enjoy? Check out my patreon page here: https://www.patreon.com/mz4250

About the author:
This is just a sample of what I've created. If you'd like access to even ore models and support y efforts check out my Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/mz4250


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