Gnasher Herds

157 (likes)
4579 (views)
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Made my own take on Gnasher Herds in Blender. Thought I'd share them with the community.Printed them on an Elegoo Saturn with a 0.18 contact diameter, without any issues. Update: Noticed that there were some pockets of resin after print, this should now be fixed with an extra volume. Tip: Mirror the models for more variation. Hope you find a use for them, cheers! :) 

About the author:
Rays Minis
Hello, I'm Ray :) As a dedicated tabletop wargaming enthusiast, I've always had a passion for 3D printing, modeling, and army customization. With today's 3D printing technologies like SLA, FDM, and Lasercutting, the world of miniatures has become more accessible than ever. I have a deep love for fantasy, and I've cherished it since my early years. There's something special about brewing up an idea for a model and envisioning how it could fit into different universes. When I'm not modeling or painting minis I work as a teacher educating in Blender, Unreal Engine, and C++... and hopefully inspiring some of the younger generation to pick up the hobby. I'm thrilled to introduce my collection of miniatures! Each piece is a labor of love, stemming from my passion for tabletop wargaming. I hope you'll find something you like!


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