Dwarf fighter

181 (likes)
5957 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

this is a sample file of the new hera'stone campaign : https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/herastone/a-dwarf-night

About the author:
The Crosslances Studio are a solid reality created by the founder Filippo Giovannini. Now pioneers in the world of 3D sculpture dedicated to play and modeling. We can boast some acknowledgments to our awards such as the Grog from lucca comics, or a gold medal in the open section of monte san savino show . Students at the Comics courses in Florence, made by the greebo games sculptures, we have approached the world of miniatures. We have actually became a revelant studio in the world of miniatures and digital miniatures prototyping. Our products can be found in many places, we had collaborations with: Labmasu, Megalith Godslayer, Hidden Dreams, Minuteman miniatures, Fireforge , EC3D , Animatter games and many others.


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