Character Contest - Linaell

10 (likes)
333 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

Linaell, is a miniature of a character of a Patreon that won a Character Commission Poll. She is a 32mm scale Elf miniature compatible with 25.4mm round base. This set contains: Linaell50.8mm Round Base The model was supported on Lychee Slicer All files come pre-supported and have Lychee files included. The test print was done using Elegoo Mars 2 pro Layer 0.03mm using a mix of black and white resin. If you liked this model consider subscribing to Imagine Minis Tribes, Patreon,, or follow me on Instagram. Patreon Imagine Minis Instagram • @imagine.minis

About the author:
Digital Sculptor of 32mm scale Fantasy models warcraft inspired.


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