Lego Plate 3x6 wing piece- left and right

17 (likes)
3718 (views)
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This is a 3x6 Lego wing plate. It is both the left and right versions. this has not been printed before (except by the MyMiniFactory Team) so I don't know whether it is really compatible with actual Lego, even though I have followed the correct Measurements. Feel free to let me know in the comments! Also, I don't know how much support will appear so it may be a problem removing it. Hopefully, it will be little to no support. Lego is a company that produces blocks such as this. all rights are reserved to Lego and stuff. This was created purely for the sake of fun for others and myself.

About the author:
Aamir patel
I am a young designer that will produce objects based on anything, to be honest. I was taught everything I know by Philip Cotton. ( (@Philipacotton) Follow me on Twitter (@Aamir_Pate1)


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