1/10 Scale Miniature Cinderblock Mold

25 (likes)
1950 (views)
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A mold to make 1/10 scale cinderblocks with. Can be used with Plaster of Paris or Quick repair concrete.  Instructions: Normal Cinderblocks1. Print the desired amount of molds using PLA.2. Fill molds with desired material.3. Gently tap molds to remove air bubbles4. Wait for the material to cure. (~30min for plaster of Paris)5. Take the bricks outside and use a heat gun, hairdryer, or a torch to soften the PLA (Disclamer: I am not responsible for any accidents while doing this step)6. Carefully peel off softened PLA (Do not use your bare hands)6. Repeat 5-6 until all PLA is removed from bricks. The cinderblocks can then be sanded and painted to look better. Chocolate cinderblocks? You might be able to make chocolate cinderblocks if you print the mold in TPU and then peel away the TPU from the chocolate. I have not tried this yet though because I don't have any chocolate.

About the author:
Moving my designs from thingiverse to MMF because thingiverse was not working.


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