Wu-Tang Plaque

18 (likes)
4237 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

Presidents are Temporary, Wu-tang Is Forever **Since MyMiniFactory is so picky with some of my uploads, go here to get the other file(s): https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4287552/files  ** Both versions are 200mm (199.0440mm) in diameter and 4mm tall in total. The text and border wall are 1mm thick. The Standard Wu has the original thin text and if you scale it down the detail in the text will go away. I made a version with thicker text (Thick Text Wu) ((on thingiverse)) and it can be scaled down to 50%, any more than that and the text detail will go away. My printer is in a different state so I haven't printed it out yet, but there shouldn't be any problems. Only use .2mm layers at the the most. .2mm recommended



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