Larinoth Ocarina

60 (likes)
5603 (views)
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Hello My MiniFactory! The Submission My submission is called the Larinoth Ocarina. It is a hunting horn weapon, which in the game makes music. I thought it would be a clever idea to make an actual instrument out of a hunting horn, so here it is. As you can see, my submission consists of 2 files. Because an ocarina is normally hollow and normal 3D printers have a hard time printing hollow objects, I have split my model in half for easy printing. This does mean you have to glue the two halves together after printing them. Hopefully you guys have glue. Also, due to the nature of 3D printing, some prints will be inconsistent. So it might be a good idea to have sandpaper/files to ensure the two halves fit nicely together. In addition, the ocarina is also naturally heavily reliant on the fipple hole (the hole that allows the air to make the sound). This fipple hole has to precisely cut the air from the blow hole in half. Thus, if you print it, and it still doesn't make a sound, try sharpening the bottom part of the hole under the blow hole. Optimal Print Settings The ocarina will work best at 0.6-0.8 scale depending on how detailed the printer is. The higher detail the better (because the fipple hole has to be precise). You can print at 1.0 size, but it might be a bit big for your hands. In addition, it would be preferrable to print with support as there are overhangs that need to be printed. I have not been able to experiment with different materials, but I have been printing with ColorFabb XT filament. Hopefully everything turns out well and my submission is within the rules. Thanks for the contest and enjoy the ocarina!



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