Custom Funko Pop

6 (likes)
3271 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

I made two custom funko pops for my friends' birthdays a few years ago. I also made custom boxes to go with it! These files are less of a download and more of a proof of concept. I made this by downloading a blank funko pop model online and modifying it with TinkerCad. I printed out my model, then sanded and painted it to make it look nice. The more tricky part of creating this was the box. I downloaded a box template, and used a paint program to customize it (I use and recommend I then scaled my template to the right size and printed out the template on sticker paper, then stuck it on top of a real funko pop box. Check out this object on TinkerCad I had a bad data loss recently, but I will post any files for making the box when I find them.



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