posąg alyxka

8 (polubienia)
3774 (odsłony)
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O autorze:
Imagery, born from the innermost desires of the people. Nurtured by the worlds constant strive for change. An artist absorbs what the world presents them, sculpting the gifts of our planet into images that give birth to untold stories. Mixing media is crucial to my vision, because it allows me to apply my love of technology and hand sketching to devise destructive works that dive into the hidden corners no one dares to search. My work emanates a feeling that tells a story about how fusing dimensions is not always practical, however, it can create beauty even within the darkest images. Through my images, the viewer is able to reflect on their lives by seeing their wants, hopes, and dreams, along with their hidden motives. Observing my work invites the viewer to find the hidden part of themselves while experiencing my reality.  I am currently observing the natural world as well as those who exist inside it in order to discover new paths on my journey to create works that allow life to subtly be reflected from the soul.


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