Toast Extractor... The Safe And Easy Way To Remove Toast From A Toaster

68 (likes)
6641 (views)
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All too often toast can be difficult to remove from a toaster (even with a lift mechanism to raise the height of the toast) dues to the height/shape of the bread toasted. To get the toast out people have been known to try all sorts of things that can result in burns or, even worse, an electric shock. You can buy wooden tongs to do a similar thing but they go down the sides of the toast so can get very close to or damage the toaster elements. Because they are made of wood, over time they can also get burnt from the hot metal surfaces, albeit better than your fingers getting burnt. And, they are quite expensive for what they are, The design incorporates a rotating joint so the arms can swing in/out to suit the width of the piece of toast. This could have been made to spring open, so force required to narrow them, but that meant additional pressure would be required to securely grab the toast not to mention a loss of feel. The Toast Extractor is not springy so it needs very little pressure to pinch onto the toast and lift it out. This is a one piece print with independently moving parts. No support required. With a well set up / accurate machine you should only have to give the joint a gentle 'wiggle' after printing for it to come free and start rotating easily. Refer to images and print instructions for more information. Note: If you like this check out all my other designs! The 'Toast Extractor' is your solution... Rather than being inserted into the toaster between the toast and elements the 'Toast Extractor' grabs the sides of the toast. The arms of the 'Toast Extractor' don't go into the element area or touch the metal parts at all. They just let you grab the toast... think of them as finger extensions.

About the author:
Designer of all sorts of fun and practical things!


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