Customizable corn sheller

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3797 (views)
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Shelling corn is a chore done by hand in much of the rural developing world. Corn comes in different sizes - and the various DIY shellers are a major chore to make. Here you can either use the customizer app or the OpenSCAD to get the right size of sheller for your crop -- then print in plastic or metal.This is an example of 3-D printable open source appropriate technology developed byMichigan Tech's Open Sustainability Technology Lab.This academic paper explains how 3-D printing could be a powerful tool for pulling people out of poverty in the developing world.

About the author:
I run the Michigan Tech Open Sustainability Technology or MOST research group, which specializes in solar photovoltaic technology from the materials to the devices and full systems. I also wrote the Open-Source Lab How to Build Your Own Hardware and Reduce Research Costs I am interested in making technologies that drive sustainable development - open source appropriate technologies.


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