Nintendo Switch System Wrist Straps

11 (likes)
3902 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

I made this design because some of my friends ride the subway everyday. They brought up the question of "What is keeping someone from grabbing my switch and running?" This brought me to create this design. It is made to slide on to the sides of the Switch and then your JoyCons sliding into the slots provided. I discovered that with this design, it keeps people from having their switch stolen, while doubles as a prevention for accidental drops.   I absolutely love my switch and would hate to have it stolen or dropped. Drop Test:

About the author:
Owner of a Robo 3D R1 Plus. Planning to start a business with my mother with designing and printing peoples ideas. Excited to see what others have made and will share my own creations.


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