Virtual Miniature Scaler Tool - based on floor tile size

65 (likes)
3850 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

The Virtual Mini Scaler Tool is a tool to help you to scale miniatures based on floor tile size. Providing that your floor tile represents 5 feet, as most do, then you can set dimensions of the virtual floor tile size to reflect the tile size you use and the tool will give you a virtual height to judge what size your mini needs to be scaled at to fit in with your dungeon environment. The default tile size of the tool is for a 25mm floor tile but you can simply change this in your slicer software to whatever your tile size is. 25mm and 1inch (set to 25.4mm) tiles are the most common size and are well suited to 28mm miniatures. For 32-34mm miniatures a 30mm tile (or thereabout) is probably a better choice to represent 5 feet. 30mm tiles are becoming more common, no doubt to sit better with the 32-34mm miniatures scale being used by designers. Use this Virtual Mini Scaler and the Miniature Eyeline Scaler (link below) together to help judge what miniature scale is best suited to your dungeon environment. Note: This file is not intended for printing, it is a tool for virtual use on your build plate, once you set the scale of your miniature, remove the tool, support your miniature or apply the scale to a pre-supported version of the miniature and print. Basic instructions and common tile sizes are written on the base of the file itself. Miniature Fighter Figurine is not included.



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