Trench Crusade - Tokens and Templates

13 (likes)
243 (views)
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Trench Crusades seems to have burst onto the miniatures scene in a big way. Luckily the rules are available in Draft form so I was able to scan the rules and make some tokens and accessories for it in a themed way. Includes 2" and 3" template, Blessing, Blood, and Infection markers as well as a d6 style marker instead of individual tokens, and a downed marker. If you like this, I have a patreon with a huge archive of models for Tabletop Gaming in Fantasy, Sci Fi, Post-Apocalyptic and more! I specialize in terrain and gaming accessories for games like Gaslands, D&D, Frostgrave, Fallout, and much more! Commercial Licenses available, check the Patreon page for details.

About the author:
Here are some of the areas that I've enjoyed making models in for games I like, or want to play. Gaslands I've created lots of weapons, and terrain for this awesome game. I see lots of room for creative additions that interest me. Frostgrave/Mordheim/Rangers of Shadow Deep I love this type of tabletop fantasy skirmish war-gaming, where you can set up a quick table and play a fun game with miniatures. I've got a lot of ideas for more terrain here. There are plenty of great games out there that could use this type of terrain. This is Not A Test Mutants/Wasteland/Survival! Yes, I love this Fallout inspired game, and want to build out terrain for my table to play. (If I could find people to play that is) Tabletop Board games I've actually published a couple games so far, and plan to keep designing board games. You can find my game Dice of Crowns, and the sequel Dice of Pirates on and I love board games! I like making upgrades, and additions for games I play, as well creating my own. D&D/Dice Collecting I am an avid fan of dice. I love dice. I collect all sorts of dice for fun. I've created a number of "dice accessories" for the collector, and player. I also run a D&D game with my son and his friends so I have ideas for supporting that hobby too. I even created a set of unique polyhedral printable dice. I've done a lot of research into 3D printable dice and fairness as well. As you can see... I've got lots of ideas. Too many sometimes. I make models of the things that interest me, and share them with people. I love seeing people print and enjoy the models I make. Badger


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