MtG Ultra Efficient Cube Set - Storage Box, Deck Boxes, and Booster Pack Draft Sleeves - Magic the Gathering

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Are you looking for an efficient storage and draft solution for your Magic the Gathering cube? Would you also like a set of efficient deck boxes to store your draft and limited card pools, along with a 40-card deck? I designed this set for my own MtG cube (Kaladesh and Aether Revolt set cube). I wanted a clean and efficient way to create draft "packs" of 15 cards and store them, along with bulk basic lands and a large storage box to hold it all. I also needed a way my friends and I could keep our drafted or limited collections for a bit to play with before shuffling them back into the card pool and re-building the "packs." Similar to my ultra efficient CorgiContainer models, these are specifically designed to provide a balance between function and filament usage. They have very thin walls but have held up to my own home games without issue. The storage box holds 36 of the 15-card packs and five of the 40-card basic land sleeves. All sleeves are designed for single-sleeved cards. The draft pool sleeves hold a single 40-card deck on one side, and 45 cards on the other. This is meant to hold your 45 card draft pool after drafting. Similarly, the limited pool sleeves hold a single 40-card deck on one side, and 90 cards on the other. This is meant to hold your 90 card limited pool after opening the cube "packs." The set comes with the following pieces:-1x cube storage box-1x cube storage box lid-1x 15-card booster "pack" sleeve-1x 40-card basic lands sleeve-1x draft card pool and 40-card deck sleeve-1x limited card pool and 40-card deck sleeve If you have any questions about these please don't hesitate to contact me! I've been having a blast with my home cube and this kit has been exactly what I've needed to stay organized. I hope it can help you keep your current cube in good shape as well. :-)



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