Grimdark Stormtroopers - Eos-Pattern Weapons

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Decided to make a small collection of weapons that are more heavily inspired by the original Stormtrooper offerings of old. They're not perfect, but I'm happy with them and hope you are too. I'm learning Blender as I make each of these, so feel free to provide any constructive feedback(on sites that allow it). They're provided as-is without the cables so a little DIY is needed, I only did this since adding pre-made ones might not work with each person's preferred arms. Updated higher detailed backpacks are available. Current STCs: Eos-Pattern HSLG: A recreation of the classic hellgun, used a few reference pictures to try and get it as close as I could, since the only files I could find were just slightly modified regular Kantrael pattern. There is a v1 and a v2, the v2 is made from scratch almost except the skull, and is a lower triangle count for hopefully smoother printing. v2 also has a version without a flashlight. Eos-Pattern Meltagun: This one is pretty close I hope to the original, including the little screen on top. I heavily modified a meltagun I found and learned a lot of neat tricks with Blender as a result, very proud of the final product and hope it's useful to someone! -Haven't printed this yet but it should work fine. Eos-Pattern Hot-shot Volley Gun: An interpretation of what a Kasrkin HSVG could look like. I looked at the regular one in my scion kit for a basic idea of what it should look like. turned out pretty well. In Progress: Eos-Pattern Storm Bolter Eos-Pattern Flamer Eos-Pattern Plasma Gun Updates: Initial Release: 3/25/22 Update 1: 3/27/22 - Added Meltagun Update 2: 4/1/22 - Added HSLG v2 + Cable Clip Update 3: 4/2/22 - Added Hot-shot Volley Gun Bits Used:HSLG v1: A few bits from the wonderful Lasgun Compendium on Cults. These files are handmade and should not infringe upon any copyright.

About the author:
Hobbyist Self Taught 3D Modeler.


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