Articulated Dumpster for Resin

30 (likes)
1198 (views)
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A dumpster with an articulated lid meant for use with resin printers. No post-print assembly required after removing supports. You can put things in it; I found bits of other failed experimental tabletop mini prints were a good candidate for filler material. There’s a flat space on the front to put a small logo or something similar.  This model could probably also be supported upside-down from how I did it to keep the top surface pristine, but I wasn’t after that for my own prints (and so I was also a bit rough removing the supports on the example model; I snipped the lowest corner and lid edge then did the flex and pop method). As I’ve supported it, there are also tiny, barely visible supports inside the joints - they are meant to be snapped by closing the lid as a last step. Also, if you do as I did and enthusiastically show the no-assembly hinge to a family member...just be prepared for them to be somewhat concerned over why you're excited about a tiny dumpster.

About the author:
I'm a computer scientist who likes to create. I draw, compose music, design origami, and most recently have started going 3D modeling and printing. I also keep chickens and have an affinity for painting miniatures, particularly those involved in a certain tabletop game about battling robots.


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