
16 (likes)
2328 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

I made this model so I could have a 3d representation of my avatar. Many people seem to like it, so I figured I'd make a printable version of it :)  Inlucded in the download: -Single piece print STL-Multi piece print STL's for MMU printing. Depending on the version you print, supports may or may not be needed. The single piece print may need a few supports under the domes and either side of the head if you print it upside down. The MMU print pieces have been designed in such a way to minimize support, but may still be required on parts like he arms and hands. 

About the author:
I have over 20 years experience using a multitude of software packages. I've worked on everything from TV Shows, Video Games, to corporate and scientific demonstration videos. I suffer from Narcolepsy, Arthritis, Bursitis, Migraines and numerous other conditions still being investigated, so I appreciate any tips or purchases, as these support me to help pay my ongoing medical and living expenses. I also administer multiple discords, including Joel Telling's (3d Printing Nerd) and Polycount to name a few. Drop by and say hi some time! I'm always happy to have a chat if I'm around :)


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