Vase Micro Fidget Spinner

9 (likes)
4048 (views)
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A smaller version of the full size vase fidget spinner. These use a MR105* or similar bearing (10mm diameter, 4mm height, 3-5mm bore). 623's* work a bit better for the outside bearings since they're heavier. Printed in vase/spiral mode with a 0.4mm extrusion width. The finger grips use 3mmx3mm cylinder magnets to stay in place. Printed in Atomic Filament Translucent Aqua PLA and Filamentium Vertigo Gray* (thanks to Prusa Research for giving the Bay Area Reprap their leftover filament at the end of the Maker Faire). *affiliate link

About the author:
3D printing addict. Printing with an Eustathios and Rigidbot 3D printers.


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