String "Climbing" Mechanism

18 (likes)
4163 (views)
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String Climbing Mechanism is an open frame dual spool string "climbing" mechanism (String Climbing Mechanism doesn't really "climb" a string, but the dual spool mechanism provides the illusion of doing so) as found in a number of toys made years ago and even today. Consisting of only 6 unique parts (8 total), and only requiring the purchase of embroidery floss and glue, once assembled String Climbing Mechanism illustrates how these toys, some made over 100 years ago, operate. I've utilized this mechanism in a few toy designs. Video of prototype is here: A video of various string climbing toys is here: Designed using Sketchup Make 2016 and printed in PLA on an Ultimaker 2 Extended.

About the author:
Not a single one of DaVinci's statues began without supports...


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