Standing Heart

21 (likes)
2830 (views)
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This is something I did years ago on my tablet using Sculpt+ which seems to no longer be around. There's no real story behind it though one of my co-workers told me about the giant chicken heart from Cosby's Fat Albert cartoon.  Who knows, maybe I was traumatized by it as a child and this is how it's instantiating itself in mid-life :-) I was able to print this on my CR-10 as-is with no supports though I am using a good printing surface. I printed at a layer height of 0.12mm, but I have been printing everything at that using CURA.  I think I filled this at 10%. As-is, the model won't stand.  I heated the legs with a heat gun and adjusted the lean & feet a bit until it was stable. I broke the leg on the red heart and super glued it back on before I fixed it's posture... Valentines?  Hide them behind monitors?  The kids seem to like them.    



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