Snap, Twist, Build!

9 (likes)
3090 (views)
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This object was entered in the MakeShaper Design Challenge (see all entries here).The challenge for the makeshaper competition is flexibility. Now, Snap, Twist, Build! is printed in flexible filament, which allows the pieces to Snap! together and entire assemblies to Twist! However, another definition of flexible could be "easily adjusted" or "modular", and that's exactly what this building toy is. Of course, you could create a colorful 2d pattern or mosaic. But you could also create a tube. Or a tower. Or a boat or a bot or a boot. Get the point? Two options are available. I chose hexagons and squares because, not only do they regularly tile, but the even number of faces also allows for easy attachment, unlike on triangles. Plus the hexagon reminds me of the makeshaper logo (which would look very nice on these tiles, FYI.) So what are you waiting for? Go ahead! Snap, Twist, Build!



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