Small Church

111 (likes)
4480 (views)
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English:As any good little village or town should have a church, here it is. Simple and small, it will serve your priests and adventurers in search of healing or the way to follow. It is certainly not a great kingdom church, but it can accommodate the few faithful who desire it. Just having it to furnish your adventures will make sure you'll be touched by divine inspiration! ;) this is a four-storey project, the first two of which will have to be "mirror" printed. Français:Comme tout bon petit village ou ville se doit de posséder une église, la voici. Simple et petite, elle servira vos prêtres et aventuriers en quête de guérison ou de la voie à suivre. Ce n’est certes pas une église de grand royaume, mais elle peut recevoir les quelques fidèles qui le désir. Le simple fait de l’avoir pour meubler vos aventures fera en sorte d’être touché par l’inspiration divine! ;) il s’agit d’un projet de quatre étages dont les deux premiers devront êtres imprimé en «miroir».

About the author:
As an artist / sculptor, I focus on detailed and aesthetics creations. I use a virtual reality system to take advantage of my 3D skills using the "Meduim VR" software, sometimes mixing it with "Solidwork" or other 3D programs I know or learning, as "Blender" or "3ds max". I'm always happy to learn new things, it is the only way to stay alive and smart. I love 3d printing and I think this technology is certainly part of a future way of living. I'll do my best to share my ideas and artwork with you.


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