Sci-fi Hoverboard [Support-free]

152 (likes)
3586 (views)
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This release is a hover board - perfect for when you gotta make a quick getaway, deliver a pizza in record time, or outmaneuver your enemies. Designing a hoverboard for minis had a few challenges because I wanted to be able to see some of the components when a based mini was on it but not have it be too big and bulky. The design is relatively simplistic/clean, and prints dead-simple with a small stand, and is designed to hold a 1' (25.4mm) round based mini. There's two versions - one regular hoverboard and one with a computer/handles (like a futuristic segway or scooter). These are 100% support-free and will print perfect in FDM or resin.

About the author:
EC3D Design
Owner of EC3D Designs. Entrepreneur, software engineer, and 3D designer/printer who is full of passion for tabletop gaming, comics, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and the great outdoors. BOLTS AND BRIMSTONE FronTiers!


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