Morta Legion - Morta Musician (Free)

45 (likes)
2050 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

The Morta Legions of the Bonewarriors are animated by the mysterious powers of their Shapers, whom bow to the whim of their Lieges. These undead are crafted from the magically-toughened bones of the greatest of warriors and kings, and put to shame the mere skeletons of any paltry necromancer. No group of warriors, dead or alive, should travel without a musician pounding a sick beat!   This is the October release of models from my Patreon. Consider subscribing to receive all these models and more, as well as discounts on past releases!

About the author:
3D Print Cleric
3D Print Cleric was started at the beginning of 2021 as a 3D Printing service, but has evolved into 3D sculpting. We sculpt the things that we want, that we believe there is a lack of in the market already. Follow us at Or back our Patreon and get heavily discounted models at Feel free to check out the 5e statblocks for all our models:


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