Dustcrawler Frigate Alendoff

30 (likes)
1416 (views)
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Purpose: Patrol / Police / Border Control / FightModel: 31.3 x 10.2 x 13.3 mm L/W/H 1012mm^3Real: 125m length, 40m width, 53m heightMass: 2000 TonnesCrew:Figh Crew: 24Long-Term: 40Max: 48 No Armor, 4 Light forward facing cannons, 1 medium forward facing cannon. The Alendoff is a multi-purpose ship for boarder control, customs, light military presence and is even used as the "big gun" for the law enforcement. It's small, it is able to travel interplanetary distances and it's cheap. Also, it is highly manoevrable. The advantage with this class is, that you can get many frigates for the same cost as a larger cruiser, so you can spread their presence to cover many different spots if you need to control a large area. In emergency situations, you can still unity your forces to face a larger threat. Recommended Ruleset: https://emeraldcoastskunkworks.wordpress.com/2014/12/24/full-thrust-project-continuum/



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