Clickaloo Dragon

10 (likes)
3213 (views)
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This is my submission for the clickaloo design challenge. I don't have access to a 3D printer, but I really wanted to try my hand at designing something with the clickaloo pieces since I loved erector sets as a kid. I tried to include a lot of pictures for how to put this dragon together if anyone gets to print it. I am trying to get it printed so that I can upload pictures of an actual dragon, so hopefully I will have that up sooner rather than later! If anyone prints the pieces and puts together a dragon, I would love to see it! Thanks for looking at my design and I hope the community likes it. Help with instructions: I uploaded a lot of pictures to help with making your own dragon. I also just want to add a couple comments to make things clear. 1) Make sure you make a mirror image of each leg and wing so that you have a right and a left for each. 2) For the head/neck, I'm pretty sure you can put the pegs through the 90 degree piece and then press each neck piece onto the pegs. Please let me know if the directions are unclear because I'd really like it if people made my design!



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