Bee Puzzle

24 (likes)
1863 (views)
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Beefore you start This is an assembly kit that you have to make by printing separate parts and fitting them together. If you want to make it sturdy use some glue but in my experience, I did not need it. The Files I have included every individual part of the bee and if you print them on a 100% scale it will be bigger than your average hand palm. But there is also an all-in-one file where I include all the parts for an easy one print-only experience. I had to scale this file down to 70% but this depends on your printer capabilities. Why did you make this?First of all, there are some similar designs on this platform but I can ensure you that I made this. Secondly, I just love making things. I got inspired by a wooden bee my brother made when he was young (he is not young anymore). Who are you?Just a dutch student with a fun hobby that sometimes makes a video about his designs. Please have funI am not perfect and so are my designs :)



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