Baby Rattle

53 (likes)
1668 (views)
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A 2 part baby rattle. The model has no sharp edges, in order to be safe for babies to play with.   Inspired by @Targ's Design.   Printing Instructions: Print the around 20-30 peas Print the bubble, and halfway through the print put the peas inside. (You can print it in a clear material so the beads are visible on the inside) Print the handle with the bowl pointing downwards (use supports if deemed necessary)  Glue the handle and the bubble together using a 3D pen, or hot glue DISCLAIMER: Be careful with the glue you use, as some glues might be toxic, and dangerous if given to a baby, even in their dry form!

About the author:
Hello! My name is Dan Markov (aka Danidan). I am a Bulgarian/American designer with a passion for Game Development, and I have a wide skill set to back it up. I mainly focus on Game and Experience Design but I also have a lot of experience with 3D Modeling, ranging from standard mesh modeling and voxel-art to CAD. I have some experience with programming in a variety of languages. I have many hobbies that often come in handy in my work, such as 3D printing, video editing, music performance and architecture.


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