3D Phil

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47928 (views)
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For best results, print with MatterHackers PRO Series PLA Introducing the new MatterHackers mascot: Phil A. Ment! Designed with troubleshooting in mind, Phil has several features specifically to put your printer through its paces. These features include: small inset details, small embossed details, overhangs, vertical and horizontal cylinders, fillets, chamfers, bridging, and even his perfectly domed helmet. On a well calibrated 3D printer, this awesome little guy prints well at any scale; from 12 millimeters tall to 350!       Can you print Phil smaller than our 12mm print on the Peopoly Moai, or bigger than 350mm on the SeeMeCNC Rostock MAX V3, send a photo to us or tag us in social media with #3DPhil and @MatterHackers and we'll include your photo on this page. Start printing Phil and get your printer dialed in today! Printed in MatterHackers PRO Series PLA at a 0.2mm layer height and 10% infill. Current Records: Smallest Phil: 5mm on the Peopoly Moai by Chris Lee (@chimpusmaximus on Twitter)Largest Phil: 350mm on the SeeMeCNC Rostock MAX V3 by MatterHackers

About the author:
MatterHackers is a 3D printing retailer and the developer of MatterControl, an open source platform for desktop 3D printing. We distribute over 40 types of 3D Printers, with free shipping and lifetime support and we are one of the largest and most trusted online resources for materials, boasting over 350 standard, exotic and exclusive styles of filament. For more information visit www.matterhackers.com and www.mattercontrol.com.


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