Ultimaker2 plug support and filament guide

4 (likes)
5198 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

If you have ever felt like your power cable would be pulled or switch flipped during the middle of a long print this is the addon for you. Combining a plug support,  power switch bumper, and filament guide its a three in one miracle. This print will help prevent pulled plugs, bumped switches, and provides an alternative for people who are using off machine spool holders.  my print time was about 4hrs with 6meters used.  You will need some hardware to assemble this print. Two 4mm and three 3mm screws, but I've left enough material that you could get away with various sizes of screws. Test as needed.  Also, while not necessary I've added a sleeve for a 21mm scooter wheel bearing. You could just use the post already in the print if you don't have that.  

About the author:
Got an Ultimaker2 and now I'm going to print everything!


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