The third eye (thermal glasses)

2 (likes)
1644 (views)
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Hi everyone ! this is a project using the same material of the Adafruit tiny thermal camera, you just need to add a glass screen (microscope viewing glass plates) for me. You will also need some foam and an elastic string. Please apologize my bad English I am a young French student. Thanks for your support. Hope you will have a better esthetic result than me for this project but it works great ! This is a work in progress and if somebody wants to remix it of bring me some help in software and design it should be awesome ! You should bend the nose holder along the face part. It hasn't been designed with the great shape to make the inversion easier. Check my youtube test video : the code is exactly the same that in the Adafruit thermal cam project. You should check this great Work !

About the author:
I am a French student in measure physic, I love electronic, gadgets design and 3D printing ! I need your support !


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