Stack N20 geared motor (Increase speed without decreasing torque, world first-time try)

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2021/10/24 Recently I am interested in the N20 geared motors. They are series motors in fact. The N20 motor connect to a whole metal gearbox that changes the output speed. By decreasing the speed, the output torque is increased. The normal N20 motor has about 0.4 mN.m or 4 Stall torque. By decreasing the speed 250 times, the torque can increase 250 times that is about 1, or 1 mN.m. Someone uses the parallel motor connection that increases the torque. But I have not seen others using the series motor connection, especially the series geared motor connection. What will happen? Is the torque increase or speed increase? I will do the experiment and explain the mechanism. Hope it will give you some help and like it. Please share it with your friends. Thanks a lot. This is maybe the world's first-time stack N20 geared motor together experiment. If everything is optimized, the torque of the final output will not change but the speed can be increased. Theoretically, we can increase the torque and speed unlimited. But really if it can work or not I don't know. Please leave your comments. Thanks a lot. Have a nice day.

About the author:
Henry Wang
I am a former scientific researcher who usually worked in University and academic institutes. I am interested in making things using 3D printer. Since this April I worked alone at home. I am now focused on making improvement of household small things better use or invent some useful or dammy stuff which makes life happy. I will continuously upload my stuff here and upload videos on Youtube. Please check my youtube channel and subscribe. I will not fail you. Everything I designed has some unique new ideas which no one ever noticed yet. I will share it with you and wish you also share your experience with us. Make our world a better place. Hope you will have a nice day. subscribe to my channel


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