Simple LED Torch with AA Case

1 (likes)
2602 (views)
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A simple LED Case for AA Batteries. Made for my kids. Its only the case. Use 5 mm Led. You need a few cables and a switch. Looks like on picture.

About the author:
Ich bin Axel, probier gern neue Dinge und versuche sie zu Entdecken. Liebe die Natur und auch die Technik. Beides kombiniert ergibt dieses Hobby. ;) Hi my name is Axel, i like to do new ideas and discover new technic. My love goes with nature and technic. This both part bring this hobby together. Otherwise stay the daily question of life. Something could be better usefull. So i think about it, then aaaahhh this is the solution. Do it man. Only with do this things. greeting from germany ;) Axel Richter


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