Raspberry Pi 3 Mini Stand for 7" LCD Touch Display

67 (likes)
5421 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

This is a stand to hold the Raspberry Pi 7" LCD Touch screen. As many of you know, if you have attempted to use the existing stands, the display shows upside-down. Though this can be fixed with a command provided in the newer versions of Raspbian, it cant be correctly resolved if you are running Ubuntu Mate.I decided I would design my own stand to put it all together without needing to make config changes. The obvious benefit is that during the initial boot, everything is correctly orientated (you can read the boot info). There is also a small pocket space near the bottom front, to allow you a neat place to store your stylus.

About the author:
I love learning new stuff. I work as technician for the largest cell phone provider servicing the cell sites, microwave links, and fiber-optic interconnects in the Catskill Mts. I have been playing with new tech for about 40 years for fun. I guess you could call me a bit of a nerd. I also am an avid Harley Rider and am experienced off road driver (mostly for work). I am always looking for new things to do. If you have an idea for a design, let me know. If I think I can do it, I will give it a try. I am NOT an engineer, I work for a living (JUST KIDDING!!) If you like my designs, let me know. I love to hear good things, though my girlfriend thinks it makes me a little to happy, but what can I say. I have learned a long time ago, never to judge someone based on their age, race, or gender. I believe we can all learn something from everyone. we just have to be willing to open our minds and our hearts to listen.


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