Portal Radio Raspberry Pi Zero Airplay

4 (likes)
1934 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

Finally done, the portal radio airplay case. I used the waveshare WM8960 Audio HAT with speakers and an SH1106 OLED module. I used https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4759122 as a base for the body and https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4759122/files 8_SprayPaint.stl to add the typical Aperture Science indentations to the front. Currently working on the final item, the power button at the top of the housing. I created my own tutorial on how the make it al work (see pdf). Also, there are many tutorials on how to set this up. Get it to work and then print the case. It's a digital puzzle (at least to me..) to make it all work.Here are the links to the tutorials I used. If you encounter trouble (like I have) google is your friend. (or use my pdf) https://appcodelabs.com/7-easy-steps-to-apple-airplay-on-raspberry-pi https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/bodhi-92/volume-levels-set-with-alsamixer-don%27t-persist-on-reboot-4175519993/ https://appcodelabs.com/show-artist-song-metadata-using-airplay-on-raspberry-pi https://github.com/pangduckwai/PiDisplay/issues/1



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