Oculus Rift fan mount

6 (likes)
4210 (views)
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Grossed out by sharing your VR headset with your sweaty friends? Sick of your lenses dripping while playing physical games? This Oculus Rift fan mount provides a cool breeze while playing to keep your face dry and refreshed. Materials: This device requires the printed nose clip and the printed body part, as well as two AAA batteries, a 12 volt radial blower fan, a coupld paper clips for electrical connections, and access to a soldering iron. Assembly instructions First remove the stock plastic face pad holder from the headset. Next clip the printed nose mount clip to the front of the holder as shown in the image. This may require slight flexure of the face pad holder. to maneuver the clip in place. Reinstall the plastic face pad holder with the clip attached. Note the mirrored slots on the underside of the nose clip. Clean the support material out of the large square fan mounting point, and out of the two holes at each end of each battery. Rock the blower fan into it's mount as shown in the images. It should be held fast and not move. The two 1.6 Volt AAA batteries must be wired in series, giving a total of 3 volts which is just enough to run the fan. To do this, on the side of the battery pack furthest from the fan mount, bend a paper clip through both holes in one battery compartment and outside the compartment. Then bend the paper clip around and insert it into the other battery compartment and back out the last hole. Done correctly, this will link the compartments together electrically, creating a series connection. On the other end of the compartment, the electrical connections must be kept separate. Wrap two smaller pieces of paper clips through the holes of each compartment individually to create an electrical connection to the battery, and a solder point outside. Solder the fan leads to these connections, and the assembly is complete. Just install batteries to power the fan.



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