Micro:bit Egg Timer

48 (likes)
12167 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

TUTORIAL Would you like to cook eggs like a chef but all the different durations of cooking drive you crazy? Relax! This fun timer will guarantee you the perfect cooking time. On top of that, you can personalise it by changing the duration of cooking and adding a special tone.   You will need: 1 3D printer + filament 2 AAA 1.5V Batteries + Battery holder 1 BBC Micro:bit   Step 1 : Print your egg timer Simply download the STL file of the timer on this page. Next, you will have to slice the parts. That means to generate a code, representative of your 3D part which your printer will be able to understand. This action is called “slicing” because your printer prints layer by layer and the software needs to calculate the path that the printer's nozzle will follow. Make sure to use the appropriate slicer for your 3D printer, ask your teacher if you need help! Here are the settings for printing your timer: speed at 70 mm/s, 0.2mm layer height, 10% infill, temperature between 200ºC and 240ºC.   Step 2: Flash your micro:bit ! You can download the code by clicking on the link below or on the zip file on this page. Click on the button “Compile” to download the code on your computer. Then, drag and drop the file into the micro:bit icon on your computer section. https://www.microbit.co.uk/lwphmuidyq You can find explanations of the code on the file attached. Feel free to change the code to personalize yout timer!  Enjoy !  

About the author:
Hi there ! I am an electronic engineering student doing an internship at MyMiniFactory. I am a fan of sport, trips and design. I am doing some DIY projects using the BBC Micro:bit which is a cool device that will be given out to millions of kids accross the UK so they learn how to code. If you have any idea, question or suggestion, feel free to get in touch with me !


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