1 (likes)
714 (views)
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I've modified and fixed IKEA products in the past and this clock was no different. The clock itself costs $5 and overall, it's a great value. The motor mounts are steady, parts are reliable and the clock has worked for years. However, it's very clear that to cut costs, IKEA designed the knobs to be as small and flimsy as possible. Both of my knobs broke and caused a rattling sound inside the clock. I felt like it was such a waste to have such a crappy knob on such a good product. So I made them better. I recommend printing the knobs in black. I ran out of black after printing the first knob, so I printed the alarm knob in red. It printed beautifully and the print quality, as well as the ribs on the outside make it feel higher quality than the stock knobs. Even if they aren't broken, I highly recommend replacing the stock knobs with these. They're taller for better grip, and they just feel better in the fingers.Print Settings



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