Digispark attiny85 BadUsb fake usb memory case

38 (likes)
14079 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGmGBa-4cYQ In this video Seytonic explain how you can use DigiSpark as 1$ usb virtual keyboard for doing all sorts of stuff. I designed and tried this case which makes ordinary DigiSpark look like full size USB memory. Just for an visual expirience. If you support open source electronic and all hard engineering behind every piece of open source electronic which you are using right now, support Seytonic in his project Malduino: https://malduino.com/ I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ILLEGAL ACTIVITY IN WHICH YOU CAN USE THIS FOR. YOUR DOINGS ARE ONLY YOURS, AND I CANNOT MAKE ANYONE DO OR NOT DO ANYTHING. I'M JUST A DESIGNER OF THIS CASE, AND IT IS UP TO YOU WHY YOU WILL PRINT AND USE IT.

About the author:
Hardware engineer during the day, hacker during the night, im in this because i love 3d printing. If you have some sweet 3d printing ideas which you would like to see printed, feel free to contact me :)


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