Babel Board

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1715 (views)
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Project Overview: We have created an interactive display which allows users to walk up to the board, pick up and scan an RFID card, and have the board playback the word in the local Cree dialect. The chosen words align with four concepts and the cardinal directions of the medicine wheel. When a word is played back, the apporiate colors and segment of the LED ring will light the respective section of the medicine wheel in the center of the board. This project is aimed to enhance Cree language instruction, show pride in the local language and allow non-speaking Cree individuals to pick up some words of interest. It will be installed into the local high school of our community. Primary Hardware: Adafruit METRO 328, Adafruit PN532, Adafruit Wave shield,NeoPixel 1/4 60 Ring(x4) 3-D Printing: A sketch was converted to an SVG image and then imported into TinkerCAD. Using this rough sketch as an approximate layout, a bracket was designed from composite shapes to hold the electronics together discretly behind the board. This bracket is made from PLA and does not require support. The image shows a picture of the first versions of the bracket (with some material snipped away). The second version is installed and has some "cut-aways" to ensure that the bracket does not intere with the Uno/shield combo. Current Project Status: We are finalizing the art/mural on the front of the board and need to record our words of choice in the local Cree dialect (At which point they will be written on the front of the respective RFID card). All of the hardware has been setup/soldered, the 3D printed bracket has been installed and the coding has been completed to respond the the RFID card. Influence: The Adafruit babel fish was used as inspiration for this project.



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